Study Predicts Worldwide Shortage of Skilled Trade Workers
A study recently released by Manpower, Inc. finds that skilled trades are the hardest positions to fill worldwide, and predicts that the shortage of skilled workers will only worsen. This is yet another strong argument for offering benefits. In order to attract and retain skilled, experienced workers, employers will need to offer hourly workers benefits such as medical insurance and retirement plans.
Included in the category of skilled trades are jobs which require specialized skills which have traditionally been learned through apprenticeship.. Examples of skilled trades jobs include butchers, electricians, carpenters,cabinet makers, masons/bricklayers, plumbers and welders.
According to Manpower’s 2010 Talent Shortage Survey, employers in six of the world’s 10 biggest economies ranked skilled trades among their top two hiring challenges.
The seasonality of construction work can present challenges for benefits providers who aren’t set up to accommodate rapid workforce changes. Employers should carefully interview potential benefits providers to determine if they offer the flexibility the construction industry requires.