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Wage Determinations for ARRA-funded Weatherization Work

August 25, 2010 Written by: Written by Mike Rogers, Chief Compliance Officer

Recently we’ve been hearing from contractors bidding on ARRA-funded weatherization work that job classifications and wage determinations for these projects are confusing.

Prior to the passage of the ARRA, which included grant monies which were provided to states for use in weatherization of residential structures, projects performed as part of the Weatherization Assistance Program were not subject to provisions of the Davis Bacon Act.  However, all work done on projects funded in part or in whole with ARRA funds are covered by the Davis Bacon Act,  including residential weatherization.

As a result, the Department of Energy requested that the DOL provide job classifications and wage determinations for workers who commonly perform weatherization work.  A spreadsheet listing these job classifications and the correlating wage determinations for each state can be found here.

The Department of Energy has published an extensive FAQ to address questions arising from the application of the Davis-Bacon and Related Acts to ARRA-funded weatherization projects.  It can be found by clicking here and then selecting Davis Bacon Act from the drop-down menu.